Nate Ullrich's blog

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Faith. Today God taught me a good lesson in faith that was undeniable. While we were in the states God provided for us in amazing ways. He provided gifts to help us get our family started, a free crate to put them in, and friends that provided free shipping for that crate. Yet for some reason it was so easy for me to look at the situation and worry about whether or not the crate would be delivered in one piece or for an affordable customs price. I know what you are thinking...I am thick. Where is my faith? God can do everything except... I find myself in that situation so often here on the mission field. God can get me here...but will He provide for my family. OF COURSE HE WILL! The crate was delivered for an affordable price and very much still in tact. They didn't even open it. It did take 2 months and oh how time tends to weigh in on the quality of my faith but GOD CAN DO IT! GOD WILL DO IT! He got me here. He gave me the friends and family a I would need to do His work here...and now I need to shut my trap and be faithful. God is doing miracles everyday right before our eyes and we choose not to see them. We choose to ignore him. Then we turn around and ask God for a sign that He is with us. Today I learned a valuable lesson. Faith will get me through anything. Faith will make life work here in this country doing what we are doing. Please learn from my mistakes, let my life be a testimony to you. Don't make my mistake, trust that God will that He wants to you enjoy the life He has given you. Trust that God Loves you and died for you. This daring faith is what gets us out of our comfort zone and puts us in a position to take risks, if we take risks miracles happen, if miracles happen people see the light we are trying to show them. Be daring! Take risks! Enjoy life! Love your maker! Enjoy the benefits of such a "risky" life. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am always amazed at how and when God chooses to provide. It is always in His time. It must have been a nice Christmas present. Is Kara enjoying her compact?
