Nate Ullrich's blog

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's the point?

Often times here in Thailand I get myself down or distracted thinking about some of the challenges that I encounter here. Sometimes life feels like organizational cycle, I file papers, sign papers, copy papers, and then file and distribute the ones that I sign and copy, simply so I can meet other people to talk about the same papers. After the meeting of course, more papers are required to document the other papers and expand on what those papers didn't include, then I am back to filing, signing, copying and the distributing and meetings start all over. Life is about papers right? Have you ever thought that this is some cruel joke that God is playing just to see if we are really stupid enough to play along. As it turns out these are often the steps of life we get stuck in and we forget that these steps add up to something great.

- Ecc 2:26 "For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind."

In philosophy the Telos is the end goal we are going for. Everything else in life is the means to this Telos. Solomon makes an amazing realization in the passage above as he draws a line that clearly separates the followers from those who do not. To those that love Christ, they will be "given wisdom and knowledge and joy" but to everybody that has focused their lives on the gathering and collecting of life will do just that, gather and collect, no more.

Nobody is exempt from this rule. Everybody must have a Telos. It is what gives us purpose in life. If somebody has no Telos they would die because surely anybody that has neglected even the most basic Telos of biological survival would see that the alternative of a Telos we find in life is death, so they would commit suicide. So according to this argument we can assume that all living people have a Telos. Some people work to be successful, some missionaries work simply to save lives that are often as meaningless as their own, some make friends and family their Telos. All of these will lead to one thing, dissatisfaction. All people must live for something. Not even a man who's Telos is Christian conversions will see the insides of the gates of heaven. (ironic since many that they save will be on the inside)

We were created to glorify our Heavenly Father and only that. We are programmed to love what is not of this world so how could we ever live a satisfying life worshiping these worldly things. The answer is that we can't. We must either live for Christ or live in spite of Him. As I am sitting here wondering what the point in all this madness is, I can only conclude that it is to glorify God. We have a reason for being here in this life, something that surpasses our religion and doctrine. I have a reason to go to immigration for half a day and sign papers, I have a reason to file reports and do the circular tasks of running an organization. It is to Glorify God. The moment that ceases, my Telos becomes something else and I start gathering and collecting for others that will Glorify God with their lives.

There is a reason for all of this...and it isn't to collect and gather...

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Faith. Today God taught me a good lesson in faith that was undeniable. While we were in the states God provided for us in amazing ways. He provided gifts to help us get our family started, a free crate to put them in, and friends that provided free shipping for that crate. Yet for some reason it was so easy for me to look at the situation and worry about whether or not the crate would be delivered in one piece or for an affordable customs price. I know what you are thinking...I am thick. Where is my faith? God can do everything except... I find myself in that situation so often here on the mission field. God can get me here...but will He provide for my family. OF COURSE HE WILL! The crate was delivered for an affordable price and very much still in tact. They didn't even open it. It did take 2 months and oh how time tends to weigh in on the quality of my faith but GOD CAN DO IT! GOD WILL DO IT! He got me here. He gave me the friends and family a I would need to do His work here...and now I need to shut my trap and be faithful. God is doing miracles everyday right before our eyes and we choose not to see them. We choose to ignore him. Then we turn around and ask God for a sign that He is with us. Today I learned a valuable lesson. Faith will get me through anything. Faith will make life work here in this country doing what we are doing. Please learn from my mistakes, let my life be a testimony to you. Don't make my mistake, trust that God will that He wants to you enjoy the life He has given you. Trust that God Loves you and died for you. This daring faith is what gets us out of our comfort zone and puts us in a position to take risks, if we take risks miracles happen, if miracles happen people see the light we are trying to show them. Be daring! Take risks! Enjoy life! Love your maker! Enjoy the benefits of such a "risky" life. :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mac n' Cheese and Shoe Strings

Shoe strings are fairly replaceable right? I guess not. I am in
desperate need of shoe strings for a pair of nice shoes that I have and
they don't seem to sell replacements here in Thailand. I love living
here, but next to missing family the hardest thing to deal with in a
different culture are these little "inconveniences." I have spent 22
years getting used to having mac and cheese and replacement shoelaces
and now I can't have either. TV I have learned to live without
(probably for the better) and I have learned to read books in stead. I
have given up Mac n' Cheese and now I eat cow pot and chicken and
sticky rice. I was ok with these changes, but I didn't think I would
have to give up shoe laces. So I guess tomorrow I will continue my
quest to find some sort of replacement as mine are about 12 inches
shorter then they need to be from various breakages.

God is good, and really this is just a pain more than anything, but I
thought I would share the odity of the situation. Hopefully somebody
will at least chuckle at the situation and somebodies day will have
been made. I know that even just thinking about it kinda puts a smile
on my face. Ahhh the sacrifices we must make.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Counters, Mubaans, Applications, and Cheap Dr.'s Apts.

So today we get a counter!!! Yeah. Actually they have been working on it for 2 days now and it will be finished tomorrow. It looks pretty good. I am excited to have coffee and toast in my new kitchen and be able to put things on the counter. It will definitely help the nesting process we are in. We went to the Dr. yesterday for Kara and the Baby and everything is fine. Quite a different experience then in the states and they are much more willing to getting business done...alot fewer formalities here and the apt only cost 250 THB!!! that like $7.00 for those of you that haven't memorized the THB/USD conversion rate yet. Much cheaper then our first apt in the states for $1200. Much easier on our finances. Other than that I worked from home today while the counter was being built and learned how to use a new aplication on Excel. It was pretty exciting. Yesterday the Mubaan that we have been trying to put a school in for 6 months rejected our back to square one...but things are looking up. Looks as though GOD is providing us a friend that has what we don't...and cleverly enough...we also have what they don't. I am excited to see what God has in store. :)

That is all for now...almost quitin' time!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Initial Thoughts

Hello everybody. I am going to be honest. I like to write but writing a blog has never been easy. I am not even good at keeping up with people via email but here is the deal. Our lives are changing so quickly right now I have decided that I am going to get it done. Record it. Share with others the amazing things that are happening in my life and in Kara's. I hope that this blog will be an encouragement to you. I hope that you will see some of the ways God is changing lives all around us and working in ways only He can explain. If you are reading this it is probably because you are a great friend and we love you and want you to be part of our lives, no matter how close or far we are from you.
